Just Got Me a New Salad Spinner

Luckily I was able to cancel the Amazon order for a Kitchenaid spinner...the reviews were HORRIBLE!!! Also, the reviews were horrible for Cuisinart.

I went to ebay and a lady was selling the Tupperware "Spin and Store" for very cheap and since Tupperware holds up AND has a wonderful guarantee, I got that. Nice color too, it was lilac (not that it matters LOL), so I got that one.

Caveat--don't EVER buy the Progressive brand. I spent $20 for one of those last year and the spin mechanism broke. It was one of the ones where you pull the string.

1 comment:

judy said...

The spinner is very nice and well made. The woman never used it, but she must've stored it next to potpourri because it had that smell in it. Washed it and will air it out.