Price Chopper Holiday Recipe Party
Putting together your holiday plans? Whether you’re looking forward to holiday baking, entertaining or both, you’ll want to take advantage of the time and money savings available at your local Price Chopper Solution Center. Join us for the #HolidayAdvantEdge Recipe Party on Pintererest on Pinterest to learn all the advantages, delicious holiday recipes, tips and more!
To add a fun twist to our festivities, when you join the party and chat with us on Thursday, December 04th at 7pm ET, we’ll let you in on a not so little secret, a $1000 secret, in fact! We’ll be announcing the #HolidayAdvantEdge Sweepstakes that you won’t want to miss because the grand prize is a $1000 Price Chopper! gift card Shhhh, we’ll be unveiling a secret code during the chat for you to use for a second chance to win big!
Price Chopper stores are located in New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Find the nearest store to you with the store locator.
1. Meet hosts Judy, Kelly, Bernadette, and Katie
2. Hosts will add Pins with questions to the #HolidayAdvantEdge Recipe Board
3. Chat with us by commenting on the Pins.
4. Find new Pins and conversations throughout Party by refreshing the Board.
5. Find something you’d love to try – save it by Re-Pinning to your Boards!
6. Watch for the Secret Code which will only be available during the party!
Can’t wait to join in the fun?

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